Prevent Your IP Address from Being Blacklisted

Facing the blacklisted IP address problem

If you prefer common IP address for web hosting service, then there will be some instances where your IP is being misused by hackers or spammers. That may get you into a situation of IP blockage. Besides, your site may have some contents that are not favorable for users to check through and this may get into a situation where the party will put your IP address to the blacklist and making inaccessible for the Internet users. It often happens in while using a VPN server when multiple users are sharing the same IP address. This can be a great problem if you are exchanging important mails related to your business through an IP address that has been used by some other Internet users for some illegal reasons which may turn into a situation getting IP banned.

Deal with the blacklisted IP address issue

There is not any available central database on the Internet where users can check out the blacklisted IP addresses. Though, there are some websites are available that are trying to make databases of blacklisted IP addresses to help users to check through whether their obtaining IP address is banned or not. There are some websites that are usually used to protect your system from spammers that attack through emails only. Therefore, you can check out to see whether your IP address is active or blacklisted. There is another option available for Internet users that can help you to check your IP address against a list of hundred domain database. Though, you cannot get sure after checking your IP address from this website as it does not have full database available. Therefore, before selecting any VIP service, you need to check out their services against spammers or you can ask for a sample IP address for their VPN server and check the IP address from those blacklisted IP addresses if it is in the list or not.

How to Resolve the Blacklisted IP address Scenario

However, you can use free proxy servers so that your main IP address won’t get blocked by the authority. You can use this free type of proxy servers for less demand browsing as they are usually over spammed by numerous advertisement banners and make your browser much slower in performance. Besides, you can also install another personal computer in other location and use remote control software to make an access to your computer that will allow surfing your desired websites. Moreover, you can install your personal VPN server in another location for making it easier and safer while browsing in Internet. And in fact special VPN services are the only solutions that you can rely on for uninterrupted services.

Best VPN service to get away from having your IP address being blacklisted.

The below list shows a number of service providers that allow the users with the affordable services to be safe from blacklisted IP address problem.